Save me

To those who are helping someone

She was looking at me

She was looking at me as if I had been the last solution to the one´s life full of difficulties. She was facing every day like the unique one trying to survive. Since the very first time I had the opportunity to travel through Africa I´ve realized how many people have been looking for help. I have never been involved in any of the main catastrophes but you can see the history on the faces of those people, in their expressions.

I wondered if that was only the problem of Africa? If you look around,  you can see a lot of “She”. Here in Europe there are a lot of people in need. You can also discover people trying to face every single day and to survive but you can also discover people who have lost not only the money but also their soul. Perhaps there are people who sold their souls many years ago and now they are only the shadow of what they could have been. You can find people who need not only the money but also the love, the love to understand every single gift they are receiving every single day. There are people near you who do not know anything about dreaming. People can show their best side or their worse side facing the difficulties and depend only on those.

Helping yourself

How something like this can happen? Was it my fault? Of course no, but can I do anything about it? Whether you want to save someone or be saved the first step is always helping yourself. There is an easy way to start doing that by wondering Why? "The one who asks a why for life can put up with how." Frederick Nietzsch.

Helping others is not an easy task. You need to help yourself, only then you will be ready to help the others. Helping others is not only a question of how much money you can offer but also how good listener you can be. You don’t need to go to Africa to find people in need; you will find them by looking around at your workmates, your relatives, and your friends.
Enjoying the experience

Every opportunity to help is the opportunity to enjoy one of the main learning that science has almost demonstrated: We are all the same; we came from the same moment of the same explosion. So by helping others you also help yourself. There are people who think that this could be possible, there are people who know and there are people who believe in that. The gift to be helpful by helping others is reserved only for those who believe in it.
There are a lot of ways to help others and helping yourself at the same time. For example I was working as Pro Bono Consultant for one year. I had the opportunity to learn a lot about my own job during that experience and increase my network and develop my knowledge with non-governmental organizations. I couldn't imagine that my time could be something so appreciated.


There are a lot of opportunities. “You look like a perfect fit . . . .”


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